F-Response Blog

F-Response Released


This first month of the year we dove straight into updates for F-Response. You'll find the details below, or you can always click on downloads to get straight to the latest release.


MSI Export Improvements

F-Response …

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Back in the day...


I got in a conversation the other day with a fellow computer forensics guy from the before times, back when we had to support so many different operating systems and hardware.

We talked about some of the really crazy stuff we used to have in our data centers. Did you know there …

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Defining what Remote means to You


We get requests from time to time asking which version of F-Response is best for remote collection.

Hint: It's all of them.

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Remote Imaging, it's not just standing really far away with a camera


It's 2024, a year that has already given us an untold number machine generated articles. We're drowning in them. So, here at F-Response, we decided not to do that.

We're going back to the beginning and handwriting all of our blog posts, misspelling things, making up terrible jokes, and …

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Detecting Firewalls


As a network based tool, we get a lot of inquiries around connectivity. In fact, I would say the most common problem we have is when users run into firewalls.

What are firewalls?

Are they frustrating pieces of software engineers add to operating systems, servers, subjects, and …

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