F-Response - Collect gets Self Delete

Dec 13, 2023

We're happy to announce the latest update to F-Response.

Always remember you can click here to jump straight to the downloads page and get the latest, or read on for more details.

First and foremost, we hope this message finds you well.

This last release of the year sees minor updates to cloud file collection, and the inclusion of a new self delete option for F-Response Collect Windows subjects. Simply put, starting with, F-Response Collect collections can be configured to instruct remote windows subjects to uninstall themselves at the conclusion of the collection.

We're excited at the prospects for this new capabiltiy, and for 2024. We'll be back again next month with a 2023 recap and our thoughts on the year coming.

We hope to see you then, but regardless, thanks for reading. Don't forget, if you are interested in seeing any version of F-Response in action and digging into the gritty details, don't hesitate to contact us to arrange a GoToMeeting demo.

Have a happy and safe holiday season, and a joyous new year.

Warmest Regards,

M Shannon